Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The One with Two Unconnectedly Connected People

On Easter Sunday 1768, he took a young woman, Rose Keller, whose sexual services he had procured (though it is debatable whether she was a prostitute or not) to his chateau, where he imprisoned and sexually abused her. She escaped through a second floor window. Later, in Marseilles in 1772, he poisoned several prostitutes using an aphrodisiac extracted from a beetle and also sodomized his manservant, Latour.

In 1886, the Austrian psychiatrist Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing, wrote, "...I feel justified in calling this ____________ because the author _________________ frequently made this perversion, which up to his time was quite unknown to the scientific world as such, the substratum of his writings. I followed thereby the scientific formation of the term "Daltonism", from Dalton, the discoverer of colour-blindness."

Identify and connect these two apparently very separate persons.

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